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November 27, 2020

How to Get Rid of Cellulite Once and For All


What is Cellulite?

Throughout their lives, nearly 90% of women have some form of cellulite. Relative to how they look, common nicknames for cellulite include cottage cheese skin and orange peel syndrome. In more executive terms, cellulite is the lumping and dimpling of the skin that is found near the thighs, hips, buttocks and belly of women. Even with a strict diet and fitness regimen or hours spent massaging the affected areas, cellulite can be extremely tough to get rid of.  

Pregnancy and having a diet that is high in fat and carbohydrates are some factors that can increase your likelihood of developing cellulite all around the lower part of your body. The reason why cellulite can form due to the above factors is because of the stubborn layer of fat they cause underneath your skin to protrude towards the surface and the noticeable dimpling that results is cellulite. 

The internet has several at-home options to reduce cellulite such as scrubbing the stubborn marks with used coffee grounds or massaging your skin for several hours with coconut oil. However, while you may be able to see some results, they do not last very long unless you have a lot of time on your hands for several days. Liposuction, laser and aesthetic treatments remain the only option to get rid of cellulite effectively.

What are the stages of cellulite? [1]

Stage 0: When there is no cellulite or dimpling, even when pressure is applied.

Stage 1: Only at the pinch test is Stage 1 detectable. Individuals may notice some skin congestion and water retention

Stage 2: Stage 2 can be identified by the stagnation of blood in the venous system. This causes lipedema (fat swelling) and uneven swelling of the skin. Visible in harsh artificial light, the orange skin is more evident when while sitting or standing the muscle in the region contracts. The cellulite is less noticeable while lying down.

Stage 3: When Stage 2 (i.e. swelling) is left untreated, it leads to Stage 3. Both in standing and lying positions, the dimples are visible and the skin will feel sensitive, colder, or even painful to palpation. There could be damage to the connective tissue and in order to prevent further (typically irreversible) damage, it is mandatory to treat the affected areas.

diagram on stages of cellulite development

Aesthetic and Laser Treatment Options

Despite cellulite being notoriously persistent and difficult to remove even with great fitness and wellbeing, in recent years, there have been several new and effective treatments available to help you get rid of cellulite. 

We have listed 3 painless yet effective therapies from Cambridge Therapeutics to help you get rid of cellulite.

Venus Legacy Medical-Grade Slimmin

Designed by doctors, the latest revolutionary non-intrusive Fat Reduction, Cellulite Reduction and Body Shaping, medical-grade slimming technology Venus Legacy uses SMART Thermal RF combined with patented MP2 Magnetic Pulse and VariPulse technology to penetrate the deeper body tissues safely. This treatment brings together renowned modalities of radiofrequency and magnetic field into one safe evenly distributed energy delivery system using proprietary algorithms bringing about results that are safe and effective. In addition, it is also supervised by medical professionals for the patient’s complete peace of mind and safety.

Through the treatment, the body destroys the broken down fat cells through its natural metabolic process. Light exercise is recommended to speed up the removal of released fat from the treated area after each treatment.

Venus Legacy is non-intrusive and comfortable and each treatment area takes between 10-20 minutes. Patients might feel a gentle warming sensation as the treatment works to release fat and then they can go about their normal daily activities. An initial course of 6-10 treatment sessions is recommended at an interval of once a week while the maintenance interval is recommended at once a month.

Venus Legacy is a proven treatment technique that offers no risk, no surgery and no down-time. It is safe, affordable & helps to improve your wellbeing and health for many years to come.

Cambridge Therapeutics is also 1 of the certified Platinum Status Legacy Centres in Singapore and are committed to attaining the highest levels of excellence in providing their clients with Venus treatments. 

SygmaBODY by SygmaLIFT

SygmaBODY by SygmaLIFT is a unique new generation HIFU technology using a Fractional Energy Based method with cold laser combination for fat & cellulite removal, this treatment effectively targets cellulite and reduces stubborn fat pockets that are hard to burn off even with strict diet and exercise. 

One of the main advantages that make SygmaBODY better is their Fractional HIFU energy-based methods that are known for their extreme precision and depth penetration capabilities on the targeted areas. Sygma Body HIFU is the only system that integrates evidence-based Cold laser technology that is proven to modulate cell metabolism, especially Adipocyte (Fat Cell) Metabolism. 

Fractionated HIFU has 3 therapeutic effects:

  • Separates adipose tissue into individual fat cells so that it can be eliminated through cell membrane openings.
  • Drains fat-triglycerides from interstitial tissue
  • Reduces fibrous partitions between fat cells.

Cold Laser 635 is a Low-level Laser Therapy that has been used for decades to enhance healing at the cellular level. It has a very positive impact in eliminating fat cells. It also boosts hydration levels, stimulates circulation and lymphatic system and enhance blood flow which, in turn, stimulate elimation of the debris of the fat cells and fluids in the interstitial tissue via the natural lane of the lymph node.

SygmaBODY has been proven to be a successful treatment for strengthening and tightening connective tissue and reducing FAT that is located at the belly, back, thighs and arms.

Some of the key advantages of SygmaBODY are:

  • Fractionated HIFU & Low-Level Cold Laser Therapy have made it much more safer for body fats and cellulite removal
  • The treatment is much faster. A single treatment only takes 40 minutes.
  • The ultra precision of the device and technology that uniquely targets submental fat
  • The only treatment on the market that can treat larger areas such as front legs, back legs, stomach and hips
  • SygmaBody can be combined with other treatments as a complementary combination for much faster, effective results
  • Experience significant results where patients can expect 2 inches (+/-5cm) average loss from their belly after only 4 weeks*
  • Pain-free treatment that is incredibly comfortable
  • No bruising, no swelling and no downtime

Cambridge Therapeutics has also been noted as the 1st centre in Singapore as a Centre of Excellence in providing the SygmaBODY Treatment.

Onda Coolwaves™

Onda Coolwaves™ is the current permanent fat reduction treatment in the medical aesthetic scene. Coolwaves™ allude to unique microwaves that specifically target fat cells and decrease localised fat deposits in a safe, powerful and non-intrusive way. Onda Coolwaves™ are produced in a controlled manner, focusing energy only where it is required. The smart device incorporates a cutting edge skin cooling framework that cools the skin as it balances the heat issued by the microwaves. This preserves the derma and guarantees complete patient comfort while reducing inflammation, risks and side effects.

“Cambridge Therapeutics was awarded
Best Anti-Cellulite Treatment using Onda Coolwaves™ by
Singapore Women's Weekly Spa Award 2020.”

Onda Coolwaves™ targets 3 main body concerns, namely cellulite, skin laxity and adipose fat cells.

Cellulite: Coolwaves™ successfully targets the connective tissue between the adipose lobules in the more advance stages of cellulite

Skin Laxity: Coolwaves™ bring about an instant shrinkage of the collagen fibres in the dermis and stimulate the production of new collagen, making the tissue more compact and toned

Adipose Fat Cells: Coolwaves™ is able to deeply disrupt the membranes of subcutaneous fat cells safely and successfully

Onda Coolwaves™ treatment is extremely comfortable as the technology has been designed such that only 20% of the energy goes to the dermis and the heat produced is counteracted by a state-of-the-art cooling system. The remaining 80% of the energy generated infiltrates into the fat, acting effectively on the lipocytes.

When Coolwaves™ target adipose tissue, it creates the following effects:

  • Remodelling of the connective tissue matrix
  • Adipocyte metabolic changes activate the release of several amounts of destroyed lipids
  • Initiates a process of lysis of fat cells with adipocyte membrane rupture
  • Lipids are destroyed via the lymphatic system
cambridge therapeutics diagram get rid of cellulite

The usual “orange” texture of cellulite is caused by the consistent presence of large fibrous shoots of collagen. This leads to a constriction of natural lobulation of adipose tissue, adipocyte hypertrophy, and water retention. The thermal energy by Onda Coolwaves™, when absorbed by these fibrous connective branches, causes the “dissolving” of fat cells and solubilisation of collagen. This, in turns, reduces the “quilted” experience of the skin. It also reactivates fibroblasts and produce new, more elastic collagen fibers.

Enjoy your first trial of our Onda Coolwaves™ at $400. For our latest promotions, visit our Onda Coolwaves™ page here.

onda coolwaves cambridge therapeutics banner

After looking at the list of our top three treatment options offered for the removal of cellulite, do you have a preferred treatment option?

While there are a few at home treatments that could work to eliminate the surface cellulite, those remedies are unfortunately temporary. If you’re looking for long term permanent results to eliminate cellulite from your lower body, the four treatment options listed above might be a better option for you.

  1. Hexsel, D., Dal'Forno, T., Hexsel, C., & Rodrigues, T. (2007). Cellulite severity scale: P575. Journal of the American Academy of Dermatology56(2).


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