Non-invasive treatments targeting ageing has seen rising popularity among the beauty community with HIFU treatments leading the change. High Intensity focused ultrasound has been engineered to provide a surgical free and significantly less painful alternative to traditional facelifts. This is not to discredit the efficacy of traditional facelifts. However, its exorbitant cost, long downtimes and higher risks of complications certainly make non-surgical options such as HIFU that much more appealing.
The inevitable fact of life is that when we age, our body and cells experiences certain degrees of wear and tear which manifest on our skin as wrinkles, fine lines and age spots. These cumulative damages to the structures of our cells will eventually lead to a sagging face. Many people chalk it up to age, which while not wrong, does not make up the entire story.
To take the proper steps to fight off such signs of ageing one must understand how the skin ages. The ageing process begins as early as in your 20s where collagen production decreases by 1% every year. Collagen and elastin fibres are protein fibres that perform a supportive role in the skin keeping it tight and firm. The results of these losses in collagen production begin to become visible after the age of 30 as fine lines and wrinkles. As the ageing process continues, there is also a decrease in the amount of moisture being exchanged with the epidermis (surface of the skin) and the dermis (2nd layer of the skin that contains nerves, blood vessels, collagen and elastin fibres). This leads to the skin appearing drier which further accentuates the appearance of fine lines.
Subcutaneous fat pads in the face perform a variety of functions such as protection of organs beneath and insulation. It is also these fat pads that give our face volume. Hence, as we age, the loss of fats in these areas gives the hollowed appearance and lead to sagging skin in areas where they once occupied.
The last layer of the face we need to look at would be the SMAS (Superficial Muscular Aponeurotic System) layer, the target of many facelifting treatments. This layer of muscles is responsible for facial expressions. When these muscle fibres begin to lose its elasticity, it causes sagging which results in the appearances of jowls, double chin and facial lines later in life.
High intensity focused ultrasound makes use of the combination of ultrasound and thermal energy to heat the inner layer of the skin. This induces a healing response that leads to an increase in collagen production and thus tightening the skin. As mentioned previously, HIFU treatments target the SMAS layer as a traditional surgical facelift does for longer-lasting results. However, this does not require any surgical incisions nor leave any scars behind.
This treatment is engineered to be non-invasive, with minimal pain and virtually zero downtime. There is no foreign body being introduced into the system and no surgical procedures eliminating any risks of complication. Furthermore, this is a treatment approved by the FDA (Food and Drug Administration) to be safe.
It is to be noted that HIFU treatments effectively treat mild to moderate skin laxity. Those with more severe sagging may want to consider surgical options.
Ultherapy, similar to HIFU, also uses ultrasound as a means of facelifting. Ultherapy works by transmitting energy to deeper layers of the skin to cause damage to collage to induce the healing process. The main difference between the two treatment methods is in the amount of pain and discomfort caused.
One of the main drawbacks of Ultherapy is that it is known to be painful and some clients may require topical anaesthetics to deal with the concentrated beam of energy delivered to the skin layers. HIFU, on the other hand, uses a fractionated beam to break up the ultrasound energy significantly reducing the amount of discomfort felt by clients.
SygmaLITF's latest second-generation treatment using high intensity focused ultrasound for face lifting. Also known as the HIFU facelift, it allows for pain-free, injection-free and surgical-free experience.
It concentrates 1000 intersecting beams of ultrasound energy at the target depth of the skin with extreme accuracy. Each beam creates a progressive thermal and mechanical effect which breaks down fat deposits and enhances the drainage of fat deposits in the pouches.
The Tri-Micro Focal Ultrasounds treatment allows it to target up to 3 different depths of the skin. This will stimulate the production to collagen at different depths of the face which will combat different degrees of facial sagging.
It is recommended that clients above the age of 30 who notice that their skin is showing signs of sagging to go for this procedure. Other clients that undergo this facelift range from ages 40-60 provided that the degree of laxity is still moderate.
Often termed the ‘lunch-time’ procedure, this 45-minute session is comfortable and painless yielding no downtime allowing you to carry on with your day right after.
Results can be seen immediately after treatment. However, clients are recommended to visit once a week throughout 3-6 weeks for longer-lasting results that can last up to a year.