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June 18, 2015

7 Ways to Prevent An Acne Outbreak

Prevent acne

Here at Cambridge Therapeutics, we see a large number of customers struggling to deal with acne breakouts. This is usually the unpleasant and embarrassing result of excess bacteria and oil on the skin and can actually be prevented if we simply follow 7 simple steps.

Keep Your Skin Clean

This might sound obvious, but for those who don’t suffer from acne issues it is tempting to skip daily face washing. However, if you want to remain acne free you have to wash your face at least twice daily. A mixture of water and soap is necessary to remove the excess dirt, oils, and bacteria that build up throughout the day on your skin. This method is very easy to adopt since all you need to do is to develop a daily habit and not be lazy about it. Prevention is better than cure after all.

Prevent acne

Wear Anti-Acne Makeup

For those who experience frequent acne breakouts, makeup may be the culprit. Manufacturers have developed high quality anti-acne makeup to help those who suffer. To avoid clogging your pores and creating breakouts, look for makeup with the word ‘non-comedogenic’ on the label for the best bet. Higher price of a makeup product does not mean it is acne friendly, so do read the ingredients on the label carefully before deciding to spend the cash.

Switch out Your Pillowcase

Your pillowcase is a hotbed for sweat, dirt and even dust—all caused by you. Unfortunately, that dirt and grime is transferred to your face when you sleep at night. If you go to sleep without washing off your makeup, then there is all the more reason to wash your pillowcase. We recommend washing and exchanging your pillowcase at least once a week. Keeping your room clean, especially your pillows, would go a long way in reducing the chance of an acne outbreak.

Moisturize Daily

Prevent acne

Although you might think that moisturizing can clog your pores further, if you use an over-the-counter acne product then you need moisture more than ever. Most of these products contain ingredients that can dry out your skin. Dry skin can lead to severe acne breakouts, which is obviously the opposite of what you’re attempting to accomplish. Moisturizing can be effective in preventing outbreak, though it can add to your daily expenses quickly if you have dry skin problem.

Choose Your Hair Products Carefully

Another culprit of acne breakouts, are hair products. Most of our hair and beauty goods contain high levels of fragrance and perfume that can cause an allergic skin reaction. If you have noticed an increase in acne around your jaw, neck or back your shampoo and conditioner may be to blame. Do consider switching to a different brand if the acne problem constantly haunts you.

Exercise regularly

Exercising is good for the entire body, including the skin. Sweat actually cleanses the pores and promotes healthy blood circulation. By exercising regularly, you can enhance your health and bring new cells to the surface of the skin. Once you finish exercising, make sure you shower directly after. Maintaining a regular exercise regime not only benefits you with regard to acne issues, but also keeps you feeling refreshed and adds a glow to your face naturally.

Refrain from Touching Your Face

Frequently touching your face transfers dirt and oils that wouldn’t otherwise be anywhere near it. Try to be conscious of whether or not you’re touching your face and then take steps to avoid doing so. This is very easy to forget if you already have the habit of touching your face subconsciously, so you should constantly remind yourself not to do so. You may also benefit from washing your hands more often.

However, for those of you with more severe acne issues, our Jet Pulse Plus treatment for acne helps get rid of your acne problems safely and effectively.

Prevent acne


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