As one of the most forgotten areas of our bodies, we tend to dismiss the importance of caring for our hair and scalp. But just like our face, without a regular and thorough hair care routine, our hair’s natural glow and shine will deteriorate quickly.
Many individuals often stop at the standard cleansing routine of shampooing and conditioning their hair. However, just like our morning and nighttime skincare routines, there is much more than just rinsing and scalp massages.
Underneath our luscious manes lies a highly sensitive layer known as the skin of our scalp. This is made up of many layers of tissue. Just like our face, the skin on our scalp collects bacteria, sweat, oils, and other traces of dirt as we go about our daily lives. These unwanted elements are more likely to build up when we do not wash our hair for long periods. They can also be excessively accumulated when we lean against walls, wear caps, and when we sleep. They are also affected by our living environment, hormonal fluctuations, stress levels, skin type, and diet.
The lowest layers of our scalp are the healthiest layers while the outermost layers are mostly made up of dead tissue that needs to be shed from the body. A thorough routine that involves regular cleansing, exfoliation, moisturising, and massages prevent common scalp problems and hair loss. We have compiled a list of common scalp problems and how they can be treated.
Small white and yellow flakes can be observed on the scalp. They may leave specks along the shoulders and on dark clothing. Patients’ scalp may often feel itchy as the scalp is inflamed. A more severe condition of dandruff is also known as seborrheic dermatitis. Dandruff is often caused by scalps that are too dry, too oily, stress, suppressed immune systems, and/or infrequent shampooing. It can also be influenced by genetic or environmental factors.
Use shampoos or treatments containing zinc pyrithione, coal tar, ketoconazole, salicylic acid, or selenium sulfide. Home remedies such as coconut oil, diluted apple cider vinegar, aspirin, aloe vera, and tea tree oil would also help to cure dandruff.
Itchy, reddish-brown rashes that appear like small raised bumps can be observed on the skin of the scalp. Scalp eczema can also be affected and/or influenced by other types of eczema such as seborrheic dermatitis, allergic contact dermatitis, irritant contact dermatitis, nickel, cobalt, balsam of Peru, and fragrance.
It would be helpful to take note of your diet, the weather, stress levels, last shampoo routine, types of hair products used before getting a diagnosis, and beginning treatment.
Use shampoos or treatments containing coal tar, evening primrose oil, and borage seed oil.
A dry scalp is often confused with dandruff. Many patients assume that having a dry scalp automatically makes them more susceptible to developing dandruff. However, this is not true as the two hair conditions have several stark contrasts. People with dry skin are more prone to developing dry scalp.
Dry Scalp occurs when the scalp is unable to produce or hold enough moisture. This means that there is insufficient oil for the skin of the scalp to feel lubricated. While the latter comes across as seemingly unhygienic, our natural oils are more necessary than we think. Without our hair’s natural layer of oils, we would experience more itching, flaking, irritation. The hair may also appear dry as the natural oils of the scalp helps with conditioning the hair. [1]
Dry skin on the scalp may also be caused by dry air and cold weather, especially during the monsoon season (Asia) or in winter, excessive hair washing, and skin conditions such as eczema.
Individuals suffering from dry scalp may experience shedding in the form of thin, white flakes shedding from their scalp. Dandruff flakes are larger, oiler in appearance, and could be yellowish-white. In severe cases, dry scalp could turn red or develop small sores from incessant itching.
Using hair treatments containing apple cider vinegar, witch hazel, tea tree oil, and jojoba oil have proven to be helpful. You could also dilute pure apple cider vinegar with water and apply it directly. Let it sit for five minutes before rinsing thoroughly with shampoo and conditioner. You could also apply aloe vera gel topically to your scalp. Let it sit for 10 minutes before washing it out.
Remember to be gentle with your scalp and use your fingertips instead of your fingernails. Scratching your scalp instead of massaging gently causes more itching and open sores, which can put more stress on the skin of your scalp instead of soothing and relaxing.
An obvious sign of an oily scalp is noticing your hair appearing glossier and shinier. Despite the latest trend of having a luscious but glossy looking mane, you may also be fighting the urge to scratch your scalp as if your life depends on it.
An overly greasy scalp is often caused by the dilemma of how much and how often we should be shampooing our hair. Overly greasy scalps can lead to uncomfortable itching and seborrheic dermatitis and encourage a fungal breeding ground which may lead to dandruff.
Washing your hair less often may raise a lot of eyebrows but this oily scalp case demands a lot of playing by ear with your hair. It all comes down to how frequently you shampoo your hair. Over-washing your hair strips away your natural oils. This causes your hair to produce excess oil to compensate for the stripped off layers of natural oils. The intention of rehydrating your hair fails as it only makes your scalp much more oily.
Washing your hair more often should do the trick! Shampooing your hair also removes excess oil, debris, impurities, and residue from hair products from your scalp. If your shampoo is proving to be too strong, opt for a hair cleanser instead.
While maintaining a rich diet of fruits, vitamins, and vegetables, cutting out fast food or processed food that is high in oil can be very beneficial. when washing your hair, gently lather and massage a small amount of shampoo (slightly under the size of a 50-cent coin) into your roots. Avoid scratching with your nails and use your fingertips instead to prevent extra friction and stress as it can produce more oil.
Focus on your scalp, especially the crown. Let the shampoo reach the ends of your hair as your rinse off. Many experts recommend skipping the “repeat” cleanse at the end of the day/at the start of the day, depending on when you wash your hair.
Avoid using heat or chemicals in your hair and embrace your natural texture instead. This allows you to stretch out your washes and avoids heat damage.
Hair loss is commonly caused by female pattern baldness. Female pattern baldness is also known as androgenetic alopecia which is similar to male pattern baldness.
It is normal to shed at least 50-100 strands of hair a day. [2] This is generally considered a small loss as our cells are constantly regenerating. Almost 50% of women experience hair loss and up to 2/3 of women experience hair loss after menopause.
Hair thinning is usually observed between their 30s to 40s before extreme hair loss. Medication, lifestyle changes, extreme increases in stress levels, hair treatment, and hair styling products are also causes of hair loss.
Targeting the root of the hair loss problem early is the best way of preventing it from manifesting itself before it’s too late. By regularly visiting your doctor or preferred medical professional for treatment, you are engaging in a highly effective hair loss prevention method which is better than having to find a cure.
When you use normal shampoos, they leave a residue of about 20% dead skin. Hair products may also clog your pores. Many people are not entirely aware of the benefits of a regular deep cleansing treatment for hair, which makes them more susceptible to hair or scalp-related problems. A regular deep cleansing treatment for hair is very similar to a monthly exfoliation facial.
At Cambridge Therapeutics, we have included a stunning blend of 3 highly effective technologies from the market in our new scalp treatment procedure - Glow + Genosys Hair Loss Treatment.
Cambridge Therapeutic’s new scalp procedure begins with a deep cleansing routine with the Venus Glow technology. The Venus Glow technology is a three-step approach that is dedicated to deep cleaning pores and removing impurities.
It comes with a gentle vacuum that effectively removes excess dirt, oil, debris, and other unwanted impurities from the scalp. The micro-massaging vacuum and spinning tip spread nutrients produced in the bloodstream which creates full nourishment for the scalp.
There are also several adjustable modalities within the technology itself. Some of these modalities include ultra-fine jet streams which deep clean every pore. Its 360-degree spinning tip aims to evenly spread out the purified water that comes from two jet streams.
After experiencing the deep cleansing hair routine with Venus Glow, a noticeably healthier and more hydrated scalp would be observed. It produces more satisfactory results than a regular cleansing routine of just shampooing and conditioning.
Hailing from the research laboratories of South Korea, the HR3 Matrix technology has been intensively researched to provide the best for you when it comes to treating your hair and scalp. It is a highly advanced and innovative product that is well-respected in South Korea. The main objective of the research is to target hair regrowth, restoration, and regeneration.
The Genosys HR3 Matrix stimulates new blood cell formation. It also stimulates the supply of nutritive supplements to hair follicles which boosts the growth of hair thickness through the angiogenesis effect. This means that the growth phase of the hair cycle is extended. Essentially, a healthier scalp with stronger roots, pores, and follicles are effectively achieved.
This treatment promotes the absorption of the growth factor used in the product. While undergoing treatment, it would be helpful to take note that micro-injuries may be caused.
This is not severe and will not harm your daily routine or body. The micro-injuries act as a notification to the skin cells to produce more collagen and fibres which will heal the wounds and strengthen the hair follicles. This is very useful for hereditary hair loss and thinning hair.
Finally, we end the scalp treatment with the SMARTLUX Hair Laser Treatment. This final step uses technology that calms and soothes the scalp. Concurrently, the hair follicles of the scalp are stimulated at a cellular level which increases the effects of the treatment. The cellular ATP production of the cells is advanced and the nutrients in the scalp are transported at a more efficient rate. There would also be an increase in the mobilisation of calcium ion stores, protein production, and intracellular nutrient acquisition.
Patients who are:
Benefits of the Genosys Glow Scalp Treatment:
The initial recommended interval for the Genosys HR3 Matrix Treatment is twice a week. The recommended maintenance programme is once a month. This varies from client to client. Hence, it would be best to clarify with your doctor while tracking your progress.
Enjoy your first trial of our Genosys HR3 Matrix Treatment at $88. For our latest promotions, visit our Genosys HR3 Matrix Treatment here.